Auditions announced for Seattle’s premiere of Rancho Grande

NWAAT annouces auditions for world premiere of Eugenie Chan's RANCHO GRANDE.
Directed by Jane Kaplan, Dramaturged by Rosa Joshi

Feb 24th, Wednesday 6-10 PM
Feb 27th, Saturday 12-6 PM

All Auditions will be held at the historic Nippon Kan Theatre (West Side Story currently playing) Call backs will be the following week, with rehearsals beginning after the week of March 14th.

Show opens April 20th and runs through May 9th for a three week run.

Mamie-Young chinese woman, comming of age.
Ma-Her mother
Sammy-her older brother
Pa-her absent father who returns once a year only to escape again.
Moon Lady-a cooing goddess
Oxboy-A wooing god.

A world premiere production which takes a disturbing look ar the influences on Asian in America and their hilarious struggle to overcome them. 

Set in the desert wastland against the admonitions of cooing gods, her tradition-bound mother, her macho and pioneering father, and her sickly romantic brother, Mamie dreams of becoming the Great American Kissin' Cowgirl.  RANCHO GRANDE depicts a girls journey to womanhood through the conflicting worlds of her Chinese heritage and her American dreams - complicated by the passions that converge in her own body.

Ms. Kaplan produced and directed In the Burning Darkness by Antonio Buero-Valejo, which involved visually impaired youth and professional theatre artists. She also produced Why We Have a Body by Claire Chafee, which played at the Alice B. Theatre and went on to place in the Best of Fringe.

Recently, Jane produced the live internet show, Soloman's Law. She has also produced content for the Get Working project of MSN.

Jane attended Yale School of Drama and has taught at Seattle Children's Theatre. She was also a guest director and artist at Cornish College of the Arts and the University of Washington.

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