PFP/SIS Productions/ReAct Open House

This is the exterior of the place (there's no entrance from Fifth Avenue, so the entrance is in the back).

Yvette Zaepfel, Ed Tonai and Maggie Lee work pre-Open House to get ready.

Some of the spread (with cheesecake and truffles cooked by PFP's Head Chef--er, Head Writer, Ed Tonai)

Ed Tonai, SIS (and future PFP director) Miko Premo and Yvette Zaepfel.

Ed Tonai and ReAct Artistic Director David Hsieh work out a few bugs.

Maggie Lee, Mok Moser and Agastya Kohli chow down.

SIS Exec Producer Kathy Hsieh, Photographer Supreme Rick Wong, Maggie Lee and Agastya Kohli get their priorities straight---chowing down.

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